Doing A Little Good In Mandela Month


For Mandela day we teamed up with the Mouton foundation putting together winter care packages. Each package consisted of body wash, a blanket or slippers, a wash cloth, baked goods and tea. These packages were delivered to the elders in our community. We are grateful for the great work the Mouton Foundation is doing in our local community and happy to partner with them for such a good cause.

The Mouton Foundation was founded in 2014 by Mouton Holdings, the majority shareholder of Mouton Citrus and Carmien Tea. They focus specifically on health, education, and community development in our local Citrusdal community. Funding for these projects are generated through citrus and rooibos sales from the group, as well as through specific international retail partner foundations.

We have also donated and doubled up on every box of tea for each order received in mandela month to the Yabonga organization in Cape Town.


Yabonga supports positive change in communities by empowering families infected and affected by HIV/Aids.
Yabonga works in impoverished areas of Cape Town. By building partnerships with clinics, schools, NGOs and individuals, they offer psycho-social intervention to empower our children, teenagers and adults to make better choices in life.

Thank you for helping us help them with your continued support and purchasing of our teas.